Coffee, cry, give up..repeat ↺

Optimism and tears anyone?

First Comes The Honeymoon Phase

The journey begins with a click of the mouse and a highly caffeinated beverage in hand. Oh yes, you’re feeling good. Your design vision is crystal clear in your mind. That clean, modern, minimalist layout? It’s practically designed itself. You’ve watched enough YouTube tutorials to feel like a pro. Maybe you even have a Pinterest board to prove it.

At this stage, you believe that the possibilities are endless. "I can totally build a website from scratch!" you say, watching your caffeine-fueled dreams take shape. With a few clicks, you’re on your way to the design promised land. The world is your digital oyster, and you’ve got a steely resolve that no CSS bug can shake. After all, you’ve got a plan, and with a little help from Google, you'll finish in no time. Right?

Then The Dark Knight of the Soul..

Enter the second stage: utter despair. The first cracks in your design optimism start to show. The typography is off. The color scheme that seemed like the perfect blend of "bold" and "sophisticated" now looks like a crime scene. Images won’t load properly, buttons disappear into the void, and you're fairly sure that the layout just laughed at you.

You’re halfway through a break-down when you realize that you forgot to save your work. That’s when the tears start to flow.

But it's okay, because you're not alone. Every designer has been there: you begin questioning your life choices, your skill set, and your very existence. You wonder if maybe you should have gone into accounting instead. But alas, there’s no going back now. That deadline is looming, and you’re drowning in code.

The caffeine no longer feels like your friend. It feels like a cruel, distant relative who keeps telling you that you can do this, but you really just want to scream and delete everything.




Lastly..The Sweet Surrender

And now, the final stage: surrender. After hours, days, weeks—who’s counting?—of struggling against the tide, you finally admit the truth. You're done. You’ve tried, and now it’s time to embrace the beauty of templates.

You’ve heard the whispers: "A good template is a designer’s best friend." You know it's true. It looks nice. It's polished. It's responsive. And frankly, it’s going to save you at least another 48 hours of agony.

You find the perfect template, adjust the colors, swap out a few images, and voilà: you have a website. It’s everything you need without the blood, sweat, and tears of custom design. You even get to put your name on it— "Look at this masterpiece I made!" you say, while deep down you know it’s all template magic. But who cares? You’re free. You’ve survived. You thrived.

In fact, you might even consider getting some business cards printed with a new title: "Template Wizard."

Remember, it’s not about the destination — it’s about the journey.
